1 Basis of preparation

2 Changes in accounting policies

3 Accounting implications of the Russian invasion of Ukraine

4 Hyperinflation accounting

5 Change in scope of consolidation and significant transactions

6 Segment information

  1. 1 Assets in “Corporate and elimination” include investments in associated companies in the amount of CHF 21.6 million. In the first half-year 2022, Autoneum did not increase its investments in associated companies.
  2. 2 Full-time equivalents including temporary employees.
  1. 1 Assets in “Corporate and elimination” include investments in associated companies in the amount of CHF 21.1 million. In the first half-year 2021, Autoneum did not increase its investments in associated companies.
  2. 2 Full-time equivalents including temporary employees.
  1. 1 Revenue is disclosed by location of customers.
  2. 2 Domicile of Autoneum Holding Ltd.

7 Financial instruments

8 Exchange rates for currency translation

9 Events after the balance sheet date